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What's next after 8,000 users

How we got here and where we're going next.

Nuel Adeleke

Since launching publicly ten months ago, we crossed 100,000 verified users on Resend. Our open source project is already at 12,181 stars on GitHub and 209,339 weekly downloads on npm

Resend is powering millions of emails sent every month with a small team of six people, and this is only the beginning.

Here's a quick recap of our journey so far and what's next.

How we got here

Every idea has a story, and ours started in August 2022.

Aug 2022: Reimagining email

Bu and I were using multiple tools for email at both our full-time jobs and side projects, but they all felt outdated, slow, and built for marketers, not developers.

We also had to deal with emails landing in the spam folder and felt the pain of building a beautiful email template that would work the same in every email client.

So, we started playing with the idea of building the “Stripe of Email.

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